Medication administration seems so simple; however, it is an intricate task on hand no matter if you are a health care provider, medication aide, caregiver or family member. Forbes Magazine reported in 2013, that medication errors happen all the time, an estimated one million each year, contributing to 7,000 deaths. In effort to prevent medication errors from happening, Renaissance would like to share health and safety tips with you. Feel free to review this section at anytime for monthly tips.
A chemical restraint is a drug that is used for discipline or convenience and isn't needed to treat the individual's behavior or medical symptoms. Psychotropic or mind-altering medications such as anti-anxiety and anti-psychotics are commonly associated with chemical restraint. It is against the law and against the individual's legal rights to use or engage in this type of act. Restraints whether they are physical or chemical, may not be used to punish or for the convenience of the care staff. As a healthcare provider, it is our duty to maintain the safety and well-being of our clients/residents while caring for them.